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000 作業一 Homework Asgt #1 [2].txt
2.6 KB
000 作業二 Homework Asgt #2.txt
2.7 KB
000 致新學生歡迎信 Welcome letter to new students.txt
1.8 KB
000 課程大綱 Intro to Theo Studies Syllabus 020208.txt
15.9 KB
000 課程要點 Intro to Theo Studies Analytic Outline 020208.txt
9.7 KB
001A 悔改之路 Way of Repentance.txt
7.9 KB
001B 重生(磐石之上) Born Again Ferguson.txt
18.0 KB
001C 聖潔與聖靈(巴刻) Holiness and Holy Spirit JI Packer.txt
17.6 KB
002A 認識上帝的三個角度(傅蘭姆)Three Perspective in Knowing God Frame [1].txt
14.1 KB
002B 將心給我 Give Me Your Heart.txt
8.3 KB
003A 奉獻之後 Beyond Dedication.txt
17.3 KB
003B 二十一世紀神學教育 21st Century Theological Education.txt
3.5 KB
003C 覺醒之後 After the Awakening What (C+E).txt
10.3 KB
005A 教會意識 Churchhood.txt
8.2 KB
005B 華人神學教育歷史 History of Chinese Theo Ed.txt
10.5 KB
006A 解釋經與聖經神學 Interpretation & Biblical Theology.txt
6.4 KB
007A 裝備更新壯大 Equip Renew Enlarge.txt
9.5 KB
008A 榮耀的教牧職事 Glory of Pastorate.txt
6.6 KB
008B 作個有道可傳的教會 Church With Message To Proclaim (C+E).txt
21.8 KB
009A 上帝的不可知性,可知性,與啟示 Incomprehensibility Knowability & Revelation.txt
16.7 KB
009C 華人教會的反理性傳統 Anti Intellectualism.txt
7.5 KB
009D 信心(磐石之上)Faith Ferguson.txt
10.1 KB
012A 認識神的知識論﹕三個視角 Three Perspective in Knowing God Frame.txt
13.8 KB
014A 加爾文《基督教要義》上帝的低就 Calvin on Accommodation.txt
3.3 KB
015A 《威敏斯特信仰告白》第一章 論《聖經》 Westminster Confession on Scripture.txt
23.8 KB
016A 芝加哥聖經無誤宣言 Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy.txt
15.0 KB
021A 聖約思維,聖約生活 Covenant Thinking & Living (C+E).txt
25.7 KB
021B 一切從頭說起 Begin from the Beginning.txt
27.5 KB
021C 慕理《恩典之約》摘錄 Murray Covenant of Grace digest.txt
9.2 KB
022A 魏司堅(霍志恆)《耶穌對天國的教訓》摘錄 Vos Kingdom summary.txt
11.1 KB
022B 《威敏斯特大要理問答》論律法的三功用 (英)WLC on 3 Uses of Law.txt
2.3 KB
024A 天主教教義與《聖經》真理的不同 Catholic Protestant Differences (C).txt
5.1 KB